Telefonica: Scott Amyx About the Role of the IoT in Industry 4.0

Scott Amyx Featured on Telefonica on IoT

Scott Amyx About the Role of the IoT in Industry 4.0

Scott Amyx featured on Telefonica:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is about much more than just applying today’s technology to industries. It’s about integrating intelligent cyber-physical systems such as AI and machine learning along with cybersecurity, blockchain, the Internet of Things, robotics, quantum computing, advanced materials… and much more. In return, it promises to revolutionize the world as we know it. We asked Scott Amyx, the author of Strive: How Doing the Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success and a global thought leader in industry about how this will affect the future of the IoT. This is what we found out from this interesting chat.

Spanish version:

Scott Amyx sobre el papel del IoT en la industria 4.0: “Como en Matrix, pero sin los humanos como batería”

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