Jenna Carelli Realized the Power of Therapy and How It Can Save a Relationship

Jenna Carelli
Jenna Carelli

Seeking guidance from an online therapist opened many doors for both my husband and myself, and as a result our daughter will live a happier and healthier life.

– Jenna Carelli, owner of J Carelli Consulting, LLC

Sometimes the harshest words can ruin a person, even those who appear strong and sure among us. Jenna Carelli, the owner of business consulting and digital marketing agency J Carelli Consulting, LLC, struggled with the insults one person brought into her life. “I let the words from one toxic individual spiral into other areas of my life [including my marriage],” she elaborates. “Negative words didn’t just harm me; they injured me emotionally.”

The words she heard damaged parts of her life. “I internalized every piece of that day, every word that was said. I started believing that I was foolish, selfish and dumb for having dreams. It added trouble, difficulty, hardship, and distress to many of my relationships moving forward.” Just like any other person, Carelli was led to believe another person’s perception defined who she was and who she could become.

Not Letting Words Bring Her Down

Carelli’s marriage ended up suffering from this negative impact caused by another person. The damage lingered in her marriage. Eventually she mustered up the courage to take action. Everything about it was uncomfortable — admitting that her marriage was in trouble, that she was a victim of verbal abuse outside the home, yet she sought the help of an online therapist. At first, they both had trouble coming to terms with the decision to seek help.

Jenna Carelli and her husband had no idea why they needed help in the first place. But they both wanted to improve their situation. They sought out guidance on how to deal with the damage of that toxic individual. The therapy was effective and addressed the situation. “As a result of seeking help from an online therapist we can now sense trigger signals in each other and act upon them before they amount to anything serious. We communicate more freely with each other and focus on sharing small tokens of love throughout our day,” she says.

The Fruits of a Positive Marriage

It took a tremendous amount of work and healing but now she enjoys a fruitful marriage where both of them face difficult situations and people together. Marriage is a continuous work in progress and therapy showed this couple how they can work as a team to emerge victorious from any challenge. “When we are faced with difficult situations and difficult people (in and outside of the home), we now work together to overcome the situation instead of allowing our mind to dictate or foreshadow our reality. Seeking guidance from an online therapist opened many doors for both my husband and myself, and as a result our daughter will live a happier and healthier life.”

Jenna Carelli’s story of Strive shows us that we need to face our greatest fear head on and say ‘no more, I won’t be a victim anymore’. We shouldn’t give power to others to determine our value or worth. We have a choice.

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential.