Frank Healy Proves Anyone Can Creatively Come Up with a Unique Marriage Proposal

Frank Healy
Frank Healy

On the evening of Friday, April 3, 2009, I took the engagement ring, treasure chest, pirate flag, shovel and champagne to my friend’s house who lived in the dunes in Cape Mays Town Bank section at the New Jersey seashore [for the big proposal]”

– Frank Healy, Author, Phenomenal Memory

Planning a romantic proposal is hard, but the greater challenge lies in making sure every detail comes out as a surprise. Frank Healy wanted to give his girlfriend a proposal that was unique and memorable. But his main concern was the secrecy involved. “I was concerned about how to do it [and keep it a secret],” he shares.

Planning the Perfect Surprise

“I started planning the proposal the day after Christmas,” Frank said. He got the help of his coworkers, which was a stretch since sometimes his girlfriend joined them. Thankfully he was able to begin the planning stages without her knowledge. “The day before the proposal date, I took the engagement ring, treasure chest, pirate flag, shovel and champagne to my friend’s house who lived in the dunes in Cape Mays Town Bank section at the New Jersey seashore,” he says.

He had a friend who lived on the Bayfront of Cape May, New Jersey, which gave him the idea to pop the question in such a scenic area. It also happened to be a beach that he and his girlfriend did not frequent, adding more to the element of surprise.

The Treasure Hunt

The day after hiding the proposal items Frank made arrangements to bring his girlfriend to the shores. He texted his friends to start burying the precious ring and preparing the area on the beach for his proposal. Then he told his girlfriend, Janet, that they would walk on a different beach that day. 

“When we arrived, we walked a block then came to a dune that had a pirate flag, two Adirondack chairs, and a shovel with a heart sculpted in the sand. I told her to dig,” he said. Janet looked vexed but she managed to let out a smile. She found the buried chest and they opened the chest together to reveal the ring. That was when he got down on one knee to propose. Seconds felt like hours as he anxiously waited for her response. To his great delight, her answer was a resounding “yes.”

While Frank’s friends lent a helping hand, he had his fair share of challenges before and during the proposal date. “There were scattered thunderstorms the day before the planned engagement,” he shares. “I was concerned it would rain and we wouldn’t be able to walk in the beach if the tides were high.” But the universe ruled in their favor and rewarded Frank for all his efforts. The sky was clear and Frank was able to start a new life with his loved one.

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