Bob Bentz’s Grit and Perseverance Paves Way for His Entrepreneurial Success

Bob Bentz
Bob Bentz

“If you aren’t willing to go the extra mile and work long hours, entrepreneurship is not for you,”

– Bob Bentz, President, Advanced Telecom Services

In his late 20’s, Bob Bentz was working in the Broadcasting industry. He wasn’t sure if this is the right industry for him to grow. A meeting with a high-level executive, however, made things clear to Bob. He says, “After the meeting, I realized that I didn’t want to make my career in that industry any longer.”

Beginning of the Entrepreneurial Journey

After much thought, Bob decided to start his own business. Becoming an entrepreneur wasn’t an easy process, though. Bob elaborates, “Not only was it a new business, but it required starting that business in another state. I would leave the house Monday morning, take a four-hour train ride, and commute to my office in a $350 car, sleep in the office, shower at the YMCA, and come home on Thursday night.” And that was not a one-off thing; Bob followed this routine every week for years. To make it even harder, Bob went over two years without a salary until the business could afford to pay him.

Bob Bentz’s Formula For Success

Bob always has had a strong work ethic. He says, “I have always believed that there’s always going to be people smarter than me, but I’ve always believed that I can outwork anyone.” He willingly put himself in an uncomfortable zone because he knew that was his key to success. Further, hiring good and capable people has ensured his company’s success. Per Bob, perseverance, hard work, and a strong work ethic can take you places. “Entrepreneurship is a journey where the highs are higher and the lows are lower. You must go the extra mile to succeed,” Bob concludes.

About Bob Bentz and Advanced Telecom

Bob Bentz is President of Advanced Telecom Services (, located in suburban Philadelphia. Advanced Telecom Services began as a start-up, with no outside financing. It became a $62.2 million per year company with offices in the USA, UK, Canada, Czech Republic, and Taiwan.

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