Brianna Rooney Made a Tough Call to Fire Her Business Partner

Brianna Rooney
Brianna Rooney

“If you’re not pushing yourself to the limit, then you will never be truly successful.”

— Brianna Rooney, Founder of

When Brianna Rooney started Techees, a software engineers recruiting firm, with her business partner in 2009, she assumed that the most difficult part of her business was hiring, training, and firing employees. However, there were a few surprises along the way. What she discovered was entirely unexpected—the most difficult part was getting rid of her business partner!

Brianna and her business partner had completely different outlooks to running a business. While Brianna was all hands-on, her partner just wanted to sit back and watch other people make him money.

Making the Most Uncomfortable Decision

Within two years of running the company, Briana knew that she needs to part ways with her business partner. The solution, although apparent, wasn’t that easy. She wondered if she would manage it all alone, is it right to ask him to leave, and so on. Her mind was full of questions. It took Briana more than five years to actually do it.

She made him a deal that was too good to refuse. “I waived the non-compete and told him to open his own recruiting business,” she says. “I even let him ask our employees if they wanted to go with him.

For too long, Brianna felt that she was running the company all by herself. And she actually was! However, with her partner no longer there, Brianna finally got what she wanted. Now, there was nothing holding her back. She was in total control and free to run things her way.

Making this tough decision was crucial for her growth. “I figured that would push me to my full potential,” she reveals.

Brianna immediately got down to setting things right. She wanted the dull, negative environment to give way to a lively, fun, vibrant, and positive vibes. She shares, “I added a fun bar and decorated. We implemented a learning rainbow each week. One person gets to decide what we are going to learn.”

Her great delight reflects in her statement, “I took back my office and love it!”
2017 was the first full year Brianna owned Techees in the real sense, and it was her firm’s best year yet.

She emphasizes the importance of persevering through difficulties and constantly striving. “If you’re not uncomfortable that means you’re not pushing yourself to the limit,” she adds.

Advice for Others

Along her entrepreneurial journey, Brianna has learned some valuable lessons. She confidently shares, “My advice is to be fearless. You don’t have time for any other way.”

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