Superstorm Sandy Took Away Everything Except BJ Dowlen’s Indomitable Spirit

BJ Dowlen & Oprah Winfrey
BJ Dowlen & Oprah Winfrey

“My advice to anyone is to be relentless and have single-minded focus on your goals, and nothing will stop you!”

– BJ Dowlen, Founder, Bodyworks Ball,

BJ Dowlen designed a line of American Made wellness products, with the goal to get her first mobility product, the BodyworksBall, in front of mainstream media. Unfortunately, right before the official launch, Superstorm Sandy struck. Her house, car, possessions, office, and inventory had all gone in a matter of hours. She recalls, “Rather than starting out from a positive 6 figures, I started from a negative 6 figures, just like that, in one night.”

How BJ Dowlen Did It?

The storm took away a lot of things from her, but couldn’t shatter a bit of her most important possession—her courage. The only way for her to rebuild her home and life was to succeed and realize her goal. “With no fear, working 10-18 hours a day, 360 days a year, and relentless stalking and pounding the pavement, I was able to begin the journey of rebuilding my life while spreading the message of wellness for all,” says BJ.
She was able to get to Oprah, Brookstone, HSN and more. Once the “target” is in her crosshair, she doesn’t even care to get an invite or ticket, she simply goes!  BJ asserts, “Being wiped out has made me fearless.” If something is in her way, she gets past that some way or the other but never retracts, no matter how uncomfortable.

Finding Success

BJ is reaping the reward for her relentless striving against all odds. The BodyworksBall was picked by Oprah for her “O List.” It was featured as one of the top items for being healthy in 2017 by Oprah Magazine, Yahoo Health as a wellness MUST HAVE, the L.A. Times, USA Today, Prevention Magazine, and Massage Magazine. It was also featured in last month’s Parade Magazine as one of the Top 10 tools for being healthy.

How are you striving? Order Strive today to start your journey to a life of fulfillment and joy, one that holds the possibility of discovering your fullest potential.