Home Editor's Pick Scott Amyx Voted Top IoT Rockstar by HP Enterprise

Scott Amyx Voted Top IoT Rockstar by HP Enterprise


20 IoT Stars You Need to Follow

Technologists, thought leaders, and writers who are focused on the IoT industry and love to share what they find.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly changing industry, and keeping up with all the developments in the field can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this handy list of technologists, thought leaders, and writers who are laser-focused on the IoT industry and love to share what they find. The list also offers details and links to the best ways to keep up with their output, whether that means following them on Twitter or subscribing to their podcast. These guides can help separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to IoT news and info. (We’ve put them in alphabetical order by last name, so as not to play favorites.)

If we’ve missed someone who should be on this list, let us know @enterprisenxt!

1. Scott Amyx

Amyx is a globe-trotting futurist who gives lots of talks about cutting-edge technology and how it will affect IoT developments. He also covers slightly more pedestrian issues around data. He’s on Twitter at @amyxiot if you want to follow his travels (and maybe plan to see him), but the best way to keep up with his insights is to follow the blog on his consultancy’s website.

Follow @AmyxIoT around the globe as he shares thought leadership on impact of #QuantumComputing to #InternetOfThingshttps://t.co/mG5lrJWqogpic.twitter.com/muSvuTbmiw

— Scott Amyx (@AmyxIoT) March 2, 2017

2. Kevin Ashton

Ashton deserves pride of place on this list because, way back in 1999, when he was working at Procter & Gamble and trying to figure out how to bridge the disconnect between warehouses full of products and the stores that needed their shelves stocked, he coined the phrase “the Internet of Things,” though he modestly demurs from any claims to have invented IoT. In keeping with that attitude, much of his energy these days is going into his book, How to Fly a Horse, about the mundane small acts that add up to “eureka” moments of creation. However, Ashton is still interested in the IoT and isn’t afraid to throw down on his Twitter account.

(4/8) All cities are systems. Smart cities use the Internet of Things to become smart systems, e.g. @Tfl’s Oyster Card. #IoT@ArubaNetworkspic.twitter.com/0AhP30FlcI

— Kevin Ashton (@Kevin_Ashton) March 3, 2017

3. Alicia Asín

Asín is an engineer and co-founder of the IoT-focused company Libelium. She’s got a great set of resources on her bio page and a few intriguing essays on LinkedIn, including one that gives insight into real-world IoT possibilities. Her Twitter stream is frequently updated and provides great links to IoT news and analysis.

Inflection point in IoT: standards merge instead of growing continuously. Have we met the interoperability limit? https://t.co/FvFViorDwi

— Alicia Asín (@aliciaasin) December 21, 2016

4. Tom Bradicich

Dr. Bradicich is Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s general manager of Servers and IoT Systems, and has been the driving force behind HPE’s new product category, Converged Edge Systems, which can monitor IoT devices and rapidly harvest valuable data. He’s a prolific Tweeter at @TomBradicichPhD, and Tumblr is a great way to keep up with interviews and talks he’s given. He’s also working on The 1st Mover, a book about how to succeed with game-changing and profitable innovation, even when your company doesn’t get it.

5. Sarah Cooper

Cooper is general manager of IoT Solutions at Amazon Web Services, which means her interests lie in the realm where IoT and the cloud overlap. A self-described “recovering physicist” who used to work for NASA, Cooper now keeps abreast of IoT developments for her Amazon job and offers a rapid-fire commentary on her Twitter feed. As the example below demonstrates, she isn’t afraid to push back against conventional wisdom. You also might want to check out some of her videos on her LinkedIn account.

Hahahaha… #IoT security clickbait

This is how you know a topic is no longer worth trolling with a Google alert. #iothackpic.twitter.com/4utztaRTbo

— Sarah Cooper (@SMC_on_IoT) March 4, 2017

6. Alex Davies

Davies went straight from studying Russian literature to studying the IoT as an analyst for Rethink Research. He’s in charge of the Rethink Internet of Things news service, an invaluable roundup of articles that combine analysis of both underlying technologies and the products and marketing built upon them. Follow his tweets @AlexRethink.

7. Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino

Deschamps-Sonsino owns Designswarm, a design consultancy that has worked on everything from scarves for single people to a variety of connected IoT products. One of the many reasons she makes this list is because she combines IoT expertise with design chops. Many techies dismiss design as a “soft skill,” but it’s crucial to having products that work well and are attractive to consumers. She’s run events for companies that want to get involved with IoT and has a great, opinionated Twitter feed on developments in the field at @iotwatch.

Top tip for booth design: try not to make your #smartparenting booth creepy. #CES2017#iotpic.twitter.com/zvt6elFCv9

— Alexandra D-S (@iotwatch) January 7, 2017

8. Jenny Fielding

Fielding is a managing director of the IoT accelerator at Techstar, helping incubate new products and ideas in the IoT space. Her Twitter feed at @jefielding is a great overview of the industry, particularly from the perspective of someone deciding where to invest in new ideas. To go in depth, you should really check out Fielding’s Medium account, where she posts frequently and volubly on a number of IoT topics.

9. Limor Fried

Fried may be more famous as ladyada, the screenname she used when she first established herself online in the early ’00s. While still studying at MIT, she started her company, Adafruit Industries, which aims to bring simple, easy-to-hack open source computing platforms to the masses (with “hack” used in the classic, non-perjorative sense here). Her blog covers a wide variety of topics on the DIY end of the IoT spectrum. You should also check out her YouTube channel, packed with tutorials and show-and-tell videos to keep you up to date on the open source IoT device scene.

10. Harriet Green

Green is general manager of three divisions at IBM, but of most interest is her command of Big Blue’s Watson Internet of Things efforts, as she strives to bring artificial intelligence to the IoT world. Of particular interest are her posts on IBM’s IoT blog, as she charts the path her company is taking in the space.

Fantastic to have our clients share their #connected#iot stories at #GeniusofThings#IBMGoT#watsoniot@IBMIoTpic.twitter.com/MFsoyaQtaF

— Harriet Green (@harrietgreen1) February 16, 2017

11. Stacey Higginbotham

Higginbotham is a prodigious writer on Internet of Things topics, ranging from smart homes to security and industrial products. A tech writer for more than 15 years, she’s almost certainly creating content on a platform you’re interested in—whether it’s incisive blog posts, her podcast, or, of course, Twitter.

I may be on Good Morning America tomorrow discussing hacked teddy bears. Or I may be cut.

— Stacey Higginbotham (@gigastacey) March 1, 2017

12. Tracy Hopkins

To cover the world in the omnipresent gadget mesh of IoT dreams, we need low-power WAN (LPWAN) standards. Tracy Hopkins is CEO of Everynet, a company dedicated to LPWAN solutions. She’s also a cheerful ambassador for the LoRa Alliance. Follow her on Twitter at @ladyiot to follow her indefatigable globe-trotting and learn more about the industry standards that will help IoT adoption take off.

Everynet will be there with our award winning end to end solutions – come and see them! https://t.co/HvBZozMtpd

— Tracy Hopkins (@LadyIoT) February 10, 2017

13. David Isbitski

Isbitski works for Amazon and is an evangelist for the company’s Alexa and Echo products. The public face of his job is focused on helping developers build tools for those rising platforms, which should be of interest to anyone who wants to see how building apps for an IoT ecosystem plays out in the real world. Follow him on Twitter, check out his Amazon developer blog, or subscribe to his podcast, Alexa Dev Chat.

14. Dean Johnson

Johnson is head of innovation at Brandwidth, a TEDx speaker, and a wide-ranging thinker in a number of technology areas, including IoT. Of particular interest is his blog, which features long, thoughtful pieces on the state of the industry, ranging from cool Internet-connected self-driving cars to the AI that’s necessary to bring services like Siri and Cortana beyond the point of being novelties. Check out his activity on LinkedIn for updates on where he’ll be speaking and on Twitter at @activerightbrain for shorter takes.

15. Greg Kahn

Kahn is the CEO of the Internet of Things Consortium (IoTC), an advocacy group from the IoT industry that brings together companies and individual execs. His Twitter and LinkedIn accounts are worth a follow—he does occasional long-form pieces on the latter, like this response to the Mirai botnet, but perhaps of most interest is the IoTC’s IoT Insider Newsletter, where he assembles the top news stories of the day in an easy-to-scan digest.

16. Saverio Romeo

Romeo is an analyst at Beecham Research who has published articles on wearables, smart technologies, and technological entrepreneurship. In addition to his own writing, you’ll want to follow his LinkedIn stream to check out what he’s interested in, or follow him on Twitter at @Saverio_Romeo to get fun insights into the many industry conferences he attends.

I love Hall 8.0 #mwc17. The crowd magically disappears, connected cars are parked elsewhere and you can dream with all the NextTech around.

— Saverio Romeo (@Saverio_Romeo) February 28, 2017

17. Dan Shey

Shey is managing director and vice president of B2B at ABI Research, focusing on devices, connectivity, platforms, applications, big data/analytics, convergence, and strategic analysis of the IoT and mobile services value chain. You can check out relevant blog posts from his day job on his bio page, but if you want quick access to the insight inside his head, look no further than his Twitter account, full of pithy summaries of the relevant points of breaking IoT news.

Is there an IoT angle in Cisco’s purchase of AppDynamics? https://t.co/cAKcJ0Vyt4

— Dan Shey (@ABI_Shey) February 14, 2017

This is big! KORE announces workforce automation solution on Apple devices. MDM and full value chain IoTservices is a powerful combination!

— Dan Shey (@ABI_Shey) July 13, 2016

18. Peggy Smedley

What Marc Maron is to the comedy world Peggy Smedley is to the Internet of Things. A journalist with a long history of covering IoT and manufacturing tech, Smedley started her podcast, The Peggy Smedley Show, in 2008; 500-plus episodes later, it’s become a must-listen-to and prominent destination for industry execs and experts. The hour-long show streams live on Tuesdays at 1 p.m.; you can also browse the archives or follow her on Twitter to find out when a new episode is ready.

With a new administration, comes a new vision for infrastructure. https://t.co/22Dy253Gf2#IoT#M2M#TPSS#construction

— Peggy Smedley (@ConnectedWMag) March 9, 2017

19. Yodit Stanton

Stanton is the CEO of OpenSensors, a startup that provides IoT data infrastructure that allows anyone to publish open data from sensor networks in real time. She has a lot of savvy and (see below) sometimes snarky thoughts about the industry that she’s happy to share on Twitter. For deep dives, check out her company blog, which gets into the nitty-gritty of everything from using sensors to design an office to determining what makes good sensor hardware.

Please not another <made up number> billion sensors by <made up yr> slide pic.twitter.com/zm4xAQh3F2

— Yodit Stanton (@yoditstanton) March 8, 2017

20. Rob van Kranenburg

Van Kranenburg is the founder of the European-based IoT Council and serves on the SmartCitiesWorld advisory board.  Check out his very active Twitter stream @robvank.

Originally published on HP Enterprise on April 19, 2017. Author Josh Fruhlinger.


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