Vote for a Fun Apple Watch & iOS Wearable App for CES


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Vote for Sensemoji App for CES


About Sensemoji

Show your friends how you really f​eel with Sensemoji! It’s fun and interactive. Sensemoji scans the emotion on your face, body and voice and zaps it into a fun emoji to share. No more scrolling or searching to find the right emoji. Sensemoji uses advanced emotion detection algorithms to bring out the true “you”… as an emoji.

Sensemoji is integrated into Facebook Messenger and TouchPal, the #1 keyboard worldwide with over 300 million users. That means that Sensemoji works with your favorite IMs, social media and other apps using the TouchPal keyboard.

Sensemoji Apple Watch, iOS and Android apps coming soon.

Powered by Amyx+ (Affectio Innovation Lab)