Enabling Kids With Autism to Flourish

Twice Exceptional Student

“You cannot make socially uncomfortable children comfortable by forcing them into social circumstances. Putting these children into school settings surrounded by peers is a recipe for personality destruction, suicide, depression, and schizophrenia.”

Dr. Lynette Louise, Mental Health and Autism Specialist

Growing up, Lynette Louise was “different” and had labels such as bipolar, schizophrenia, and clinically depressed attached to her. However, she was never properly diagnosed. Lynette blamed the misdiagnosis on her troubled childhood which involved abuse at home and outside.

She spent her life living out of step and, particularly during adolescence, being suicidal. After having children, she not only had something to live for but something to learn for. So, Lynette began her journey of self-help and healing in a circuitous way. With perseverance, she emerged triumphant.

She read and learned a lot and became well-informed medically over the year. Finally, as an adult, she received a diagnosis of “Historically Asperger’s,” which Lynette agrees with. The diagnosis came as a relief to Lynette and her daughtersthey could now attribute Lynette’s odd behavior to Asperger’s and not because she was trying to act out to get  attention nor was she intentionally being socially rude or inappropriate.

Raising Family Against All Odds

In addition to her two biological children, she adopted six more kids, all from abused homes and with various brain dysfunctions. Autism was most prevalent in the boys.

Lynette raised her family successfully against great challenges. She was mostly a single mom. She says, “I feel like I understood my adopted daughter’s better because of my abuse; I understood my adopted son’s better because of my brain.” All this made Lynette believe that her children could become much more and better than anyone else believed they could.

Lynette adopted unconventional ways to raising her children. For her most special needs children, she had them walk to school instead of taking the bus and had them attached to each other with a scarf to increase their independence.  While beneficial to her children, neighbors and school administrators attacked them. Lynette was fighting the constant barrage of negativity from all fronts, but she had faith in her parenting techniques.

However, due to a mental blind spot, she missed the signs of sexual predators and a couple of her children suffered abuse. She solved all of this in another unique way. She took everyone out of school and they lived in an RV going from resort to resort where everyone was treated with kindness and safe from detrimental environments. All of her children improved, socially and academically.  Her children not only survived, but flourished, which is a testament to Lynette’s unconditional love and unstinting support.

Lynette feels it was easier to raise her kids as a single mom than being a married mom. “The ability to cooperate with somebody who disagrees with your unusual technique is too draining,” she says.

Advice on Raising Special Kids

Lynette advises never to force children to do anything. She shares, “A socially uncomfortable child is not made more comfortable by being forced into social circumstances. Instead, shore up their confidence away from their peers when working on their deficit areas. Simultaneously, pair them with other like-minded children for fun events and activities.”

Since Lynette was never in the box, it enabled her to think outside the box to solve funding problems, social issues and other challenges. A case in point, she had her children doing stand-up comedy to practice and learn social skills.

About Lynette Louise

Lynette is an international brain and behavior expert helping those with autism, Parkisson’s, depression and other brain-related disorders thrive. Lynette is the creator and host of Fix It In Five, a docu-series providing free five day life changing therapy marathon with families worldwide. Check out her podcasts and books for more insight on autism.

Lynette is proof that disability is no barrier when it comes to achieving a happy, healthy, and successful life.

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